BTS Jungkook’s birthday advertisement appears in Tuk Tuk, Thailand! “Butter”, “Dynamite”, good-looking photos are wonderful!


BTS’s maknae (youngest member), Jungkook.

Jungkook is very popular and has worldwide popularity.

September 1st is Jungkook’s birthday, and his birthday event is being prepared all over the world.

Recently, Jungkook’s birthday advertisement of Tuk Tuk, Thailand has become a hot topic!

This is a video of Tuk Tuk taken by Thailand ARMY.

Photos of Jungkook were attached to the back of Tuk Tuk, which was a wonderful birthday advertisement.

Jungkook was really good looking, including photos from “Butter”, photos from “Dynamite”!

I envy Thailand ARMY to be able to move while watching a lot of Jungkook 😆

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Jungkook’s birthday event is not only in Thailand but all over the world.

I’m looking forward to seeing what happens on the day of Jungkook’s birthday !

Please check out Jungkook’s birthday event on September 1st ♪
