NCT127 Yuta’s birthday ads appeared in Dotonbori, Osaka! Lots of birthday ads all over Korea !!


Yuta is active as a member of NCT 127.

Yuta was the only Japanese member of NCT, but recently Shotaro has joined.

Yuta is also active as a “From Home” unit at NCT2020.

To celebrate Yuta’s birthday on October 26th, Yuta’s birthday advertisement was posted in Dotonbori, Osaka!

This is NCT 127 Yuta’s birthday advertisement on the big screen in Dotonbori, Osaka.

Yuta is surely happy to have his birthday celebrated in his hometown !

Yuta was a really cool when he was active in “Kick It”.

In Japan, fans are celebrating Yuta’s birthday in various places.

You can see a lot of Yuta’s birthday advertisements in Korea.

Yuta’s birthday video was played in Thailand too!

Yuta is loved by fans all over the world, not just in Korea and Japan.

Yuta’s cup holder event at the cafe is also very popular.

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Yuta is currently working on a comeback for NCT U “From Home”.

Please pay attention to Yuta’s vocals ♪

Mark, Jungwoo, and NCT members are sure to celebrate Yuta’s birthday.

Please check the future information ♪

Happy Birthday Yuta 🎉
