BTS Jin’s birthday ad appears in The New York Times! Jin’s worldwide popularity is amazing !!


BTS Jin’s birthday is on December 4th.

Jin’s birthday events are being held all over the world.

BTS Jin’s birthday ad was also shown in the New York Times!

This is BTS Jin’s birthday ad that was played in the New York Times.

There were various Jin such as “Dynamite”, “DNA”, “Spring Day”, “Black Swan”.

Every Jin was handsome and it was a wonderful birthday advertisement.

By the way, it seems that the New York Times also had a birthday advertisement for TXT Soobin, whose birthday is December 5th.

Jin’s birthday ads are being prepared not only in the New York Times, but also in MOA in the Philippines and in various parts of Korea.

You can feel the love from fans to Jin!

Not only the subway station but also Jin’s birthday bus is running, so it seems that something good will happen if you can see it.

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Jin has released a new song “Abyss” to commemorate his birthday.

The surprise release before the birthday has become a hot topic!

Happy Birthday Jin 🎉
