August 12th is NiziU Miihi’s birthday! Introducing the charm of Miihi who is full of talent !!

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NiziU was formed by the popular audition program Nizi Project.

NiziU is attracting attention not only from Japan, but from all over the world.

August 12th is the birthday of NiziU Miihi!

Born August 12, 2004, Miihi is 16 years old.

Even though she’s still young, Miihi was showing a powerful performance in the Nizi project.

A particularly talked about stage of Wonder Girls’ “NOBODY”.

“NOBODY” was an adult-like song and it was difficult to express emotions, but Miihi showed a wonderful performance.

JYPark was also surprised at the Miihi stage.

The episode of watching a movie and practicing hard to express emotions is also cute.

By the way, Miihi was scouted by a JYP official when she went to TWICE concert.

Miihi, who was a fan of TWICE, debuts from the same office as TWICE.

It is wonderful!!

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Miihi, a younger member of NiziU.

Miihi’s performance on stage is very popular.

I will continue to support Miihi who continues to play an active role as NiziU♪

Happy Birthday Miihi !!