August 2nd is the birthday of NCT Mark! Introducing the charm of Mark!


NCT is active in the world.

NCT has NCT U, NCT127, NCT DREAM, WayV and various units.

NCT havs members who are full of individuality.

August 2nd is the birthday of NCT Mark!

Mark, born on August 2, 1999, turned 21 years old.

Mark is a busy member of NCT and has been active as NCT U, NCT127, NCT DREAM and SuperM.

Many people are worried about Mark’s schedule being too hard.

Mark is belong many units because of its excellent performance ability.

Mark’s rap ability is amazing!

Mark from Canada has a good pronunciation in English and is one of the best raps among idols.

Mark’s English proficiency is also very active in overseas performances.

Mark is cool on stage, but Mark is really cute.

Mark smiles a lot, and seeing Mark’s smile heals us!

Mark is always loved by NCT ​​members because he is very cute.

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Mark of existence that is indispensable for NCT that is active worldwide.

The ability of Mark to rap, dance and MC is wonderful.

I want to see lots of cute Mark.

Happy Birthday NCT Mark !!
