What’s meanings of BOYNEXTDOOR “뭣 같아”? Slang?


BOYNEXTDOOR belongs to KOZ Entertainment.

This time, I will introduce the reading and meaning of BOYNEXTDOOR’s new song “뭣 같아(But Sometimes)”!

This is the MV teaser for BOYNEXTDOOR’s “뭣 같아 (But Sometimes)” that has been released on YouTube.

BOYNEXTDOOR’s first comeback is expected.

The MV teaser for “뭣 같아 (But Sometimes)” has a wild charm.

The song title “뭣 같아” means “it’s like shit” , and “it’s sucks”.

Let’s check out BOYNEXTDOOR’s upcoming comeback activities of “뭣 같아 (But Sometimes)”♪
