What’s meaning and lyrics of SEVENTEEN Woozi “어떤 미래”? Released as a music source on ASTRO Moonbin’s birthday.


SEVENTEEN Woozi is very popular all over the world.

Woozi produces songs for SEVENTEEN, and he has great talent.

Today, January 26th, “어떤 미래” created by Woozi has been made into a sound source!

This is a tweet about the sound source of “어떤 미래” posted on SEVENTEEN’s official Twitter.

“어떤 미래” was originally Woozi’s solo song, and it has probably only been performed twice in concert.

Woozi once said, “I only intended to sing it(어떤 미래) once in my life,” and this song has become a legendary song among CARATs.

The reason why “어떤 미래” was made into a sound source is because of ASTRO Moonbin, who passed away on April 19, 2023.

“어떤 미래” is a song that Moonbin liked, and in response to Moonbin’s last Instagram post, Woozi said, “Even if I fight with the company, I will release it(어떤 미래) on Moonbin’s birthday.”

The song was released on January 26th, Moonbin’s birthday, and it really moved their fans.

The lyrics of “어떤 미래” have become a hot topic.

The meaning of the song title “어떤 미래” is “what kind of future” .

The lyrics contain about the future and have been interpreted in various ways.

Many fans are crying due to the lyrics, as the content seems to represent the fans’ feelings towards Moonbin😢

Let’s check out “어떤 미래” on the audio source.
