EXO Chanyeol gives Baekhyun a bouquet of roses! Impressed by the bond of Chanbaek! !


EXO Baekhyun is making a comeback with the new song “CANDY”.

The refreshing and cute concept of Baekhyun is very popular.

Chanyeol gave a bouquet of roses to Baekhyun!

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This is a picture with Baekhyun posted on Chanyeol’s Instagram.

Chanyeol has aloe, and Baekhyun has a bouquet of roses!

This time, the rose and aloe that Chanyeol gave to Baekhyun have their own language!

Probably Chanyeol, who is a romantic artist, must have thought of flower language and presented it.

It was a wonderful post that felt the bond of Chanbaek.

Baekhyun won the 1st place on this day, and in the popular song, not only Chanyeol, but Kai, Sehun, and Chen were celebrating.

Recently I haven’t seen any activity as EXO, but I was happy to see EXO bond after a long time.

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EXO’s good friends Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

I want to see the bond of Chanbaek Combi forever.

I will continue to support EXO♪
