On March 27th, BLACKPINK Lisa’s birthday ♪


BLACKPINK is very popular not only in Korea and Japan, but also all over the world.

Girl crush cool performance is a popular group.

BLACKPINK MV has become a topic of high quality in the world top of the world views on YouTube.

March 27th is Lisa’s birthday of such BLACKPINK!

Lisa was born on March 27, 1997, at the age of 23.

Dancing sexy dancing with cute looks, Lisa’s gap has captivated people all over the world.

Lisa is a member from Thailand and is very popular in Southeast Asia.

Lisa’s performance at “Kill This Love”, released by BLACKPINK in 2019, was also amazing.

A powerful dance with a sharp color is also goose bumps!

It is the main dancer of BLACKPINK indeed.

The MV of “Kill This Love” is also very popular, and it has been viewed more than 1.1 billion views the other day.

It’s too much for me to exceed a billion, even though it’s amazing, but it’s over a billion.

BLACKPINK is expected to make a long-awaited comeback in 2020.

I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of song i’m going to make.

Happy Birthday BLACKPINK Lisa!!
