
Profiles of MEOVV members! Age, height, nationality, real name, etc.

What’s meaning of MEOVV ? Cat? Debut from THE BLACK LABEL♪

Who is Saki? The lyrics of “1-800-hot-n-fun” by LE SSERAFIM are a hot topic!

What’s meaning of NMIXX “별별별”?The lyrics are wonderful ♪

What’s meaning of StrayKids’ “JJAM”? The music video teaser is a hot topic!

PPULBATU character names of TXT announced! Cute goods will be released!

What’s roommates of StrayKids’s new dorm ? Felix & Seungmin !? Hyunjin & Changbin !?

What’s meaning of StrayKids’ “Chk Chk Boom”? Ryan Reynolds is a hot topic in the music video!