What’s meaning of SEVENTEEN BSS “청바지” ? Check out the lyrics!


SEVENTEEN’s Seungkwan, DK, and Hoshi are popular all over the world.

The three of them are active in a unit called SEVENTEEN BSS.

The previous song “Fighting” was a collaboration with Youngji and was a big hit.

This time, I will introduce the meaning of SEVENTEEN BSS’ new song “청바지”!

This is a tweet about BSS “청바지” posted on SEVENTEEN’s official Twitter.

Many CARAT fans have been waiting for BSS’s comeback since “Fighting”.

The song title “청바지” means “jeans”.

The unique lyrics include “Happiness is BSS, we are 청바지,” and you can feel the positive energy.

Check out the upcoming comeback activities of SEVENTEEN BSS “청바지” ♪
