BTS Taehyung(V)’s birthday is December 30th.
Taehyung(V)’s birthday events are being held all over the world.
And it seems that Taehyung(V) himself visited his birthday project in Sinchon, Seoul!
This is a tweet posted on Twitter by “CHINA Baidu Vbar”
Taehyung(V)’s birthday project in Shinchon is wonderful, especially big Taehyung(V)’s balloon is so cute!
Taehyung(V) himself was also shooting a video in front of the balloon.
There are not only balloon, but also various decorations related to Taehyung(V).
Many Taehyung(V)’s fans have visited the birthday event and it has become a popular spot.
Currently, it was announced that BTS SUGA, RM and Jin have been infected with the new coronavirus.
ARMY is worried about the health of not only the three but also the other BTS members.
We are waiting for the day when the three people will recover safely and see their activities as BTS again ♪
There are many Taehyung(V)’s birthday events, so let’s check them out 😆