NCT Mark’s eyebrow piercings (sticker?) is a hot topic! His cute photo wearing a Slowacid hoodie was posted!


NCT Mark is popular all over the world.

Mark will be active in NCT2021 soon, and I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of unit will be formed.

Recently, Mark’s eyebrow piercings have become a hot topic!

These are photos posted on NCT Mark’s Instagram.

Mark wore a hoodie of Slowacid.

Originally it was a blue hoodie, but it seems that he made a green hoodie.

The hoodie of Slowacid is designed by Mark and it is very cute.

In this photos, Mark’s eyebrow piercings are attracted attention!

Mark is a member who hasn’t opened his piercings, so his eyebrow piercings were surprising.

I think his eyebrow piercing is a sticker.

Maybe it has something to do with Mark’s activities in NCT2021!

Let’s check Mark’s activities in NCT2021 ♪
