The lyrics of TXT “MOA Diary” were written by 5 members! Impressed by the song for the fans!


TXT (Tomorrow X Together) will make a comeback with the new album “The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE” on August 17th.

MOA is looking forward to TXT’s comeback.

A preview of TXT “The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE” was released!

This is a preview of TXT “FIGHT OR ESCAPE” released on YouTube on August 11th.

This preview contained three songs, “MOA Diary”, “0X1 = LOVE SONG”, and “LOSER = LOVER”.

“MOA Diary” was the first fan song of TXT, so it was attracting attention from early on.

Five TXT members participated in the lyrics, and it was a wonderful song even if I just listened to it a little😙

The melody is impressed!

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Not only “MOA Diary” but also the title song “LOSER = LOVER” was also good song.

“LOSER = LOVER” is a little similar to the previous title song “0X1 = LOVE SONG”, and it seems to have something to do with it!

I’m looking forward to the release of “MOA Diary” and “LOSER = LOVER” ♪
