August 5th is the birthday of Seungyoun (WOODZ) from X1!

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X1 born from Produce X101.

X1 was a hot topic before its debut, but unfortunately it was disbanded.

X1 members are currently working in different groups and solos.

August 5th is the birthday of Seungyoun (WOODZ) from X1!

Born August 5, 1996, Seungyoun is 24 years old.

It’s been a long time since he debuted, but he’s still young.

Seungyoun was also noted for its excellent performance in Produce X101.

In the concept evaluation of Produce X101, Seungyoun was in charge of the “MOVE” center.

“MOVE” is a song produced by ZICO that looked good on Seungyoun.

Sungyoun’s powerful vocals were popular on the X1.

After the dissolution of X1, Seungyoun (WOODZ) started his solo career.

The new album he announced the other day recorded over 100,000 sales.

It’s a solo record, but it’s a great record.

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Seungyoun (WOODZ) is very popular even in solo.

Seungyoun has a lot of talents.

We continue to support the success of Seungyoun (WOODZ)♪

Happy Birthday Seungyoun !!
