July 1st is NCT127 Taeyong’s birthday! Introducing the charm of NCT127 charismatic leader! !


NCT 127 is very popular in the world.

The album “Neo Zone” series has become a million seller.

July 1 is the birthday of NCT127 leader Taeyong!

Taeyong, who was born on July 1, 1995, is 25 years old.

Taeyong is a particularly well-known member of NCT’s face.

Taeyong was very prominent in “Kick It” announced by NCT127 in 2020.

The appearance of Taeyong performing at the center was impressive!

The world view of “Kick It” was perfect for Taeyong.

It was really cool.

NCT127’s Taeyong and Mark are also active as SuperM.

They’re excited around the world with the members of SHINee, EXO, and WayV.

Taeyong’s performance at Super M is also really cool!

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Taeyong is active not only as NCT127 but also as SuperM.

Taeyong will become more and more popular.

I am looking forward to what Taeyong will do in the future.

Happy Birthday Taeyong! !
