Introducing NCT127 Taeyong’s birthday advertisement!


NCT 127 shows global success.

NCT127 is particularly successful in 2020.

July 13th is the birthday of NCT127 leader, Taeyong.

A birthday advertisement was put up to commemorate Taeyong’s birthday!

Taeyong’s birthday advertisements are found all over Korea.

You can see that Taeyong is loved all over the world.

The scale is amazing because there are not only images but also videos.

I’m sorry that I can’t actually see it, but I’m celebrating Taeyong’s birthday from afar.

By the way, Taeyong’s birthday advertisement can be seen in Japan.

Taeyong’s birthday advertisement will be shown to KPOP fans even at the familiar Shinjuku Unica Vision.

It’s nice to see Taeyong birthday ads in Japan!

I hope Taeyong’s birthday ads will reach his mind.

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NCT127 Taeyong loved all over the world.

There are Taeyong birthday ads in various places.

Taeyong’s popularity will rise with each passing year.

We continue to support Taeyong’s success.

Happy birthday Taeyong!
