Dance is cool! BVNDIT is back with new song “JUNGLE”! !


Chungha is active in I.O.I and is very popular solo.

Chungha belongs to MNH Entertainment.

BVNDIT belonging to the same office as Such Chungha made a comeback with the new song “JUNGLE”.

This is the MV of the new song “JUNGLE” of BVNDIT which was released on May 13.

It was a song that the atmosphere of “JUNGLE” was felt as the song name was felt.

The performance of BVNDIT which became cool was also wonderful, too.

MV was also gorgeous and impressive video.

Especially, the part of the dance break on the way was cool!

BVNDIT has a different appeal than other girls groups.

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The new song “JUNGLE” of BVNDIT which was finally released.

Jungle showed a cool performance that seemed to be BVNDIT.

Please check it out♪
