The Japanese word that TAEHYUNG recently learned is “trash can”! ? BTS V’s “TaeTaeFM”!


V has a particularly four-dimensional charm among BTS full of personality.

The most interesting and cute character imaginable from the world’s most handsome visualised is the topic.

This time, i will introduce the V live “TaeTae FM” broadcast by BTS V.

Taehyung was asked about the Japanese he had learned recently.

After i was worried, the answer was “trash can”.

Army was also surprised by the surprising answer of Taehyung, who is good at Japanese.

It was a cute answer that seemed to be TAEHYUNG.

“TaeTae FM” is packed with a lot of cute TAEHYUNG from beginning to end.

He also posed for a heart.

TAEHYUNG always entertains ARMY.

When I look at TAEHYUNG, I feel refreshed.

It’s a lot of fun.

Please check it out♪
